Freestyle Ski and BMX act

The perfect winter Freestyle show.

Power juggler

ACDC and tires, this power juggler nails it!

Gentleman juggler

A classic juggling show with everyday objects for young and old.

Trialbike and dance act

A very nice combo of trialbike and dance in one act.

Freestyletalent Urban show

Total concept: MC, DJ, BMX, skating, trampoline, breakdance, …

Diabolo freestyle show

The best diabolo show you have ever seen!

Double-sided trampoline wall act

One trampoline is cool, two is awesome!


Percussion, flatland bmx, freestyle soccer and jump rope

3 drummers + 3 freestylers = energy

Super jump legs LED act

ultra human shoes that makes you to fly as an acrobat, great show!

LED jump rope show

LED is hot and for sure during a jump rope show!