Airskating duo

A magical acrobatic duo that is combining skating and straps to fly in the air.

LED acrobatic dunks

Hightech acrobatic dunks, simply amazing!

Logopainting juggling act

Reveal your logo in an unique way.

Moto and breakdance act

It’s showtime!  Freestyle moto and breakdance mixed in one choreography.

Dance and basketball act

A perfect mix of elegance, baketball skills, dance and romance combined in an amazing choreography.

Caterpillar acrobatic show

Total show involving the caterpillar trucks and cranes.

Breakdancers in action

A short portfolio of some high-end productions our dancers did.

Flatland and BMX flip show

A great stage act with two excellent bmx artists.

Human Flag – Christmas

Special christmas edition!

Beng – percussion show

Fresh, dynamic, fun and so entertaining! Beng has an amazing show!